
M:S -Zanpakutou Rebellion ch13

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***CHAPTER THIRTEEN*** the world's on fire, we're all gonna DIE!!!

Di knew she should, by all natural laws, be dead- but she wasn't. That's first it was searing hot, but now it just feels like a warm day. What's up with this? She looked around to see a wall of flames cutting off any form of escape over the lip of the platform. Di sighed to herself, before looking up at Sai who was sitting in the sky, the phoenix towering over them both in the background. Di regarded it for a long moment. Wow. It's gorgeous. It seemed to be made entirely out of flames and it burned with a frightening intensity. I know I should be's beautiful. The phoenix hovered silently, the span of its wings seeming to set the underside of the clouds alight. Sai gave Di a searching look, her hair back to normal, the only sound the crackling of flames.
"What are you thinking?" she asked, resting her chin on her hands. Di shook her head as though there was a fly near her ear.
"What did you say?" Tsubasa no Kasaimegami motioned at the enormous phoenix.
"Are you afraid?"
There it is again. Di thought, pressing her fingers to her temples. That strange echoing two people are trying to talk at once... She pulled herself together and shook her head.
"No. I'm not." Sai grinned at her.
"I know you aren't. You're Di- you don't scare easily." She tilted her head to one side. "Do you understand now what I meant?" Di shrugged, feeling the reiatsu emanating from the creature like a static blackout.
"First tell me how that phoenix got here- I didn't see anything like that in my inner world!" Sai laughed harshly.
"Of course you didn't. This is Kou Joushou- my ultimate technique. It is formed when my temperature reaches over 20000⁰C. I cast off the excess heat to create this phoenix. It burns with the intensity of over a thousand suns." Di tried to ignore the echoing and nodded her head.
"Impressive." Tsubasa no Kasaimegami's face took on a closed look.
"That's strange. I thought you hated it." Di raised an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?! I've never seen this before in my life!" Sai folded her arms and glared at her.
"I tried showing it to you. Several times. And each time you panicked and tried to escape." Di's eyes grew wide with realisation.
"Those dreams Rice told me tried to show me Kou Joushou didn't you?!" Sai nodded imperiously, an angry look on her face. The phoenix behind her shrieked like a falcon, it's enormous wings beating. Di felt the wind rush past her and it was warm like a summer breeze.
Ah. So that's why. As she looked up again, she saw a smirk on Sai's face.
"Oh come now, you should see the irony of being executed by a phoenix on Soukyoku Hill!" Di gave her a strained smile.
Haha funny. But why am I not being burned to a crisp if I'm near a being which is over 20000⁰C?
"Question! Why am I still alive if I'm near something that hot?" Tsubasa no Kasaimegami gave her a brilliant smile.
"Good question, Di. I'm glad you're not unintelligent. The reason is because I am containing the heat so I can talk to you. As soon as I order it to will be incinerated." Di grimaced.
"Nice to know the laws of thermodynamics still apply around here." She heard shouting from over the edge and turned sharply in the direction of the noise. Tsubasa no Kasaimegami laughed in grim amusement.
"Oh, I believe your boyfriend's down there. Did you say goodbye to him properly? I think he's trying to tell you to run." Di gritted her teeth suddenly feeling a cold chill race down her spine.
Am I...going to die? She looked into the amber eyes of the phoenix and fancied she could see herself reflected in them. Huh. So this must be what it feels like staring into the face of your own death. It's pretty daunting. Tsubasa no Kasaimegami leaned forward as if trying to gauge her reaction.
"I wouldn't even bother contemplating running if I were you. This phoenix has a homing system- it doggedly attacks only what I tell it to attack. It will hunt you down until it incinerates you and no ocean, whether it be here, or gensei or Hueco Mundo will save you." Di thought hard for a moment.
"Wait...what was the part about Hueco Mundo? Because you and I could do a lot of good if I led that phoenix through there..." Sai gave her a look.
"What are you babbling about, Di? The phoenix destroys everything in its path. That includes people and buildings. You lead it through Seireitei- it will destroy Seireitei and the people you love in it- including your precious Raiden and your friends." Di clenched her fists hard, the nails digging into her palms.
"Well in that case- there's no decision for me then. I'll defeat you here and now, or not at all."

By the time Mint landed Elroval, Ukitake, Kyouraku, Soifon and Raiden were at the foot of the cliff. Raiden was shouting up the cliff at the top of his lungs, ignoring Ukitake's attempts to calm him down. Ukitake saw Mint dismount and ran over to her, pulling her into a fierce hug. "Oh Mint I was so worried! We heard that several people saw a silver dragon around here and I knew it had to be you!" Mint beamed into the folds of his haori, fisting her hands tightly into the back.
"Don't worry Jyuushirou-san- I'm fine. I got Elroval back OK." She looked up at him, the smile slipping off her face. "Is Di still up there?" Ukitake nodded sombrely, casting a worried look up at the hill.
"Raiden's been trying to get back up there for the past few minutes- despite what we've been telling him. He's going out of his mind with worry." As Jai and Nat looked up to where Di and Sai were still conversing, Ukitake lead Mint over to Kyouraku and Soifon.
"Will you stop that?!" Soifon snapped as Raiden filled his lungs to yell again. "Where's she going to run to? She knows she has to finish this fight. Whether she finishes it alive or not is up to her." Raiden glared at Soifon before turning his back on her and shouting anyway. Ukitake sighed.
"You know Raiden, this is one fight you can't interfere with. There are two types of fight in this world. One is where you fight for your life and the other is where you fight for your pride. Di is currently doing both- it wouldn't be wise to interfere even if you could go up there." Nat whispered something to Jai who looked at him in shocked amusement. Mint gave them both a strained look.
"What?" Nat looked nonchalant.
"'s just that the last time he said that to someone...the person he was talking about ended up dead." Jai snorted with laughter and then looked horrified with himself. Raiden turned on them, his face darkening.
"I'm gonna kill ya BOTH!" Mint managed to stop him in time.
"Raiden, calm down. Di knows what she's doing."
"Don't be fucking stupid Glasses- even you wouldn't have the foggiest clue what to do against that!" Raiden retorted angrily as another wave of heat rolled down the face of the sheer cliff. Kyouraku tipped the broad brim of his hat back to take in the full view of the blazing phoenix.
"So...why is Di-chan not a captain then?" Soifon crossed her arms across her chest.
"She's young and inexperienced. Her bankai could kill us all if she isn't careful with it- until she learns to fully control it she's not going anywhere near a haori. I had no idea of the scale of the problem until now." She gave the phoenix a disapproving look. "Such a flashy bankai. How distasteful. Although at the same time, it does greatly resemble Soukyoku and that in itself is an achievement."
"Soifon, would ya mind shuttin' the hell up right about now?" Raiden asked through gritted teeth. Soifon opened her mouth to yell at him but Kyouraku beat her to it.
"Yare yare Raiden-kun, you shouldn't speak to your taicho like that. We know you're upset, but saying things like that won't help the situation." Mint shielded her eyes, looking up at the burning figure of the phoenix. The heat around it was making the air shimmer wildly, streams of blazing flames spiralling off it.
"Elroval- can you go up and help Di?" Elroval blanched as the heat whipped his hair back.
"There is only so much heat I can take Mint...and that phoenix far exceeds it." She nodded in understanding, watching as Di summoned her shikai once again.
Good luck Di.         

Di faced Sai squarely as her zanpakutou spirit stood, ready to fight. Di realised that for once in her life, she was unprepared for a situation. I need to find some sort of strategy...if not...I'm as good as dead. Tsubasa no Kasaimegami faced her seriously.
"Any last words, Di? Or are you too caught up in the thought of your own imminent demise?" Di gave her a sunny smile, disarming her completely.
"No. Because I made a promise which I intend to keep." Tsubasa no Kasaimegami raised an eyebrow.
"Uh huh...right." Di heard the echo once again and looked at the phoenix in shock.
Is that bird...talking to me? It seemed to be looking at her and Di felt her suspicions rise. It doesn't just feel like a cast off piece of reiatsu. It feels it's an entity...She looked from Sai to the phoenix and back at Sai again, an idea formulating itself in her head. This is so crazy...but if it works...then I'll have proven myself to Sai. She chose her next words carefully, looking at the phoenix as she phrased them.
"You asked me if I had any last words, didn't you Sai? Kasai Suzume!" The blades flew from her wrists, cutting through the air towards Sai. Tsubasa no Kasaimegami swayed at the very last minute, barely avoiding them, before laughing mockingly.
"Where are you aiming Di? Has panic made you lose your edge?" Di blinked.
She was so slow to react to Kasai Suzume...I think my hunch is right! This could work! Sai raised an arm and the phoenix sprang into life with a cry, wings beating faster. Di shielded her face against the gusts which were now becoming uncomfortably hot. Red-hot embers flew in the wind from its wing beats, burning her exposed arms. Whatever happens, I won't lose. I promised him I wouldn't. There was a terrible smile on Sai's face.
"Farewell, my former master."
Di's eyes opened wide as Sai released the restrictions on the phoenix. The heat hit her in a roiling wave, nearly making her pass out. She choked, trying to keep her head together as her vision swam dangerously. Through bleary eyes she could still make out Tsubasa no Kasaimegami's slender form in the sky, the larger form of Kou Joushou rising behind her like the sun at dawn.
Di thought for an instant she wouldn't make it as she shunpoed towards Sai as fast as she could, feeling the intense heat rise sharply as the phoenix drew nearer with each wing beat. Each breath she took hurt her lungs and the skin felt raw on her exposed arms and legs. She saw the look of shock on Sai's face as she appeared alongside her.
"Sorry, Sai." Di said with a sympathetic smile. "I promised him I wouldn't die." She saw herself reflected in Sai's amber eyes- just as she had seen herself reflected in the phoenix's eyes. Di watched as the blades aligned and calmly said, "Kouen Kurosu" as the world exploded into flames around her.
Sai, she thought, feeling her vision slip away from her in a blaze of gold and red, your wings are beautiful.  

Mint watched, fingers digging into her face in her anxiety as the phoenix gave a shrieking cry and began to fade away, flaming feathers melting into the air as the beam of crimson light dissipated. The sky cleared as it went and the sun shone palely down from a cornflower blue sky. Mint blinked. It feels like it was just a bad dream. Did she win? She leapt to her feet as Elroval transformed into a silver dragon.
"Everyone get on!" Mint said, reaching down to help Nat up.
Di, I hope you're alive. she thought, as Elroval launched himself into the sky.

There was still an air of panic about the group as they reached the platform. Mint leapt off Elroval's back, followed closely by Raiden and Ukitake.  
"DI?!" Mint yelled and realised her glasses, for the first time, were fogged. She wiped them, realising all she could see was a red blur and a darker blur as Raiden gave a shout.
"Di?! Di!" Mint looked again and realised Di was on the ground with Tsubasa no Kasaimegami kneeling beside her. The goddess's hair was no longer aflame and she was talking quietly to Di who seemed to be conscious. Di turned her head to face them and Mint saw her face break into a grin. She gave them a thumbs up before wincing with pain. Mint felt relief flood through her, her knees shaking.
Yogatta. Oh thank god she's OK. Raiden raced forward as Soifon and Kyouraku walked up. Kyouraku whistled at the sight of the twisted and deformed state of the platform which was lightly steaming in the sunlight.
"Someone's gonna have to explain to Yama-jii what happened up here when we find him. And it's not gonna be me." Ukitake blanched, realising that his friend was referring to him.
Mint rushed forward, leaving them to bicker as Di shouted, "Hey! Not so hard baka Rice! You'll kill me!" Mint managed a grin as Di's arms wrapped themselves instinctively around Raiden's neck, despite her words.  
"Hey! Di? Where's the phoenix?" Nat demanded, looking around in vain. Di beamed.
"It's still a different form." Mint saw a smile flash across Sai's face. Nat looked completely thrown by the statement.
"What does that mean?!" Di opened her mouth to speak but realised that Raiden was glaring at Sai.
"You tried to kill me!" he accused. Sai folded her arms, a provocative smirk on her face.
"Serves you right for interfering. You chose the wrong moment to try and be Di's knight in shining armour." Di laughed hard before wincing as her face ached. Elroval materialised beside Mint with a smile.
"Welcome back Kasaimegami!" Sai raised an eyebrow.
"Thanks. I thought I could feel your reiatsu down there." Di muttered something under her breath which made Raiden grin. Sai gave her a questioning look.
"I said, 'How could you feel anything over your own reiatsu?'." Sai grinned widely, patting Di on the head.
"I know many things, imouto-chan." Di's eyebrows almost hit her hairline.
"Huh?! Imouto-chan?! What the hell?!" Her eyes widened in realisation.
Oh shit. Well....this could be interesting...Sai gave her a look which made her worry.
"Uhh....Sai? What?" Sai beamed, a huge smile lighting up her face, before she threw her arms around Di and hugged her tightly.
"Well, you did say I was like an older sister to you! You can call me onee-san!" Di gasped for air, realising she was being smothered due to the height difference.
Argghh!!! Get off baka Sai! Can't breathe....And calling her onee-san would just be too weird! Mint looked on in horrified surprise as Di's flailing became weaker. Elroval tried to step in. "Kasaimegami?'re...!" Sai ignored him while Raiden choked with laughter. Narukami materialised beside Raiden, a concerned look on his face while Ukitake and Kyouraku tried to hide their amusement.
"Kasaimegami! You're suffocating Di!" Sai looked up in confusion at Narukami's voice, allowing Di to loll to one side. Mint bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.
"I think Di's fainted...." Nat roared with laughter. Raiden gave Sai a suggestive grin.
"Can I have a go too?"
"I'm not as dead as you think I am, baka Rice." came Di's voice from Sai's arms.  "Jeez...the concern from everyone is really is." Raiden lifted her away from Sai, still grinning.
"Aww, ya jealous of me givin' your zanpakutou spirit a hug, kitten?" Di narrowed her eyes.
"This is coming from the person who shouted at his zanpakutou spirit if he so much as looked at me." Narukami hid a smile behind his sleeve. Elroval beamed happily, any trace of the cold personality he'd once harboured, gone.
"I'm so glad everyone's back together again!" Hikaru materialised beside Jai as Sai pounced on Narukami, almost knocking him over. Raiden raised an eyebrow as Narukami's robes began to smoulder at Sai's enthusiasm.
"Tch. He gets a hug and I don't?! How come you never do that?!" He was saved a scathing reply from Di as Ukitake stepped forward, a smile on his face.
"Well, I have just one request before you all leave for 4th squad. Are there any volunteers? We still need zanpakutou spirits for 12th squad's research." Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. Mint stared at Ukitake in shock, noticing he was still smiling.
"Are you joking, taicho? I thought I told you to stop going around-!"
"But Mint, I'm not ordering anyone to. I'm simply asking!" Ukitake argued back gently.
"Don't they have Omaeda's?" Di asked, folding her arms.
"Yes, but his is a particularly pathetic one." Soifon replied shortly. "Kurotsuchi has put out an order for a higher level one. So, which one of you has the least need of their zanpakutou spirit?" Ukitake ran a hand through his hair, laughing nervously as the group blanched.
"Now now Soifon- that's no way to put it! This is a purely voluntary thing! Right, Kyouraku?" Nat grinned.
"I volunteer Mint." Mint's eyes widened behind her glasses.
"NOOO!!!!" She threw herself at Elroval, grabbing fistfuls of his uniform and nearly strangling him in the process. "I can't live without him!!!" Di and Raiden exchanged a look. Raiden threw Ukitake a look and sniggered when he saw his face.
"Haha, I betcha wish that was you, Ukitake!" Ukitake blushed furiously and looked away as Kyouraku chuckled next to him. Elroval patted Mint on the head and tried to disengage her.
"It's alright, Mint. No one's taking me anywhere...You can let go now...!" Mint shook her head furiously, still with a death grip on Elroval's uniform and long white hair. Soifon sighed hard.
"Well SOMEONE is going to cough up."
"I volunteer quiffy." said Raiden with a completely straight face.
"You can't volunteer someone else, baka Rice! It defeats the point of it being voluntary!" Di snapped. Raiden squeezed her.
"Shush, kitten." Jai grabbed Hikaru, lifting the spirit straight off the ground.
"Noooooooooo!" Ukitake's smile became strained as Soifon rolled her eyes at the sound of Hikaru choking.
"Fine. This isn't working. Let's do it my way, Ukitake. Di- cough up! Now!" Tsubasa no Kasaimegami shot Di a worried look. Di shook her head firmly as Raiden made a noise of disapproval behind her.
"No way, taicho." Soifon's grey eyes narrowed dangerously.
"That wasn't negotiable. It was an order."
"Can we think about this logically? Why would you want to dissect the second most powerful fire zanpakutou spirit when the most powerful fire zanpakutou spirit is out of commission?" Di argued back. Kyouraku gave a low whistle.
"She has a good point Soifon. We need all the powerful zanpakutou spirits we can get." Soifon grudgingly admitted defeat, bypassed Raiden completely and came to a stop looking at Nat.
"I guess that leaves you then." she said with a cruel smile. Nat clutched his staff protectively.
"But...I only just got him back...we have to get reacquainted...and stuff..." he finished lamely, faltering under Soifon's unsympathetic gaze. Ukitake decided that now would be a good time to step back in.
"It doesn't matter, Soifon. I think we need these zanpakutou spirits more than Kurotsuchi-taicho does." Mint nodded hard, still clinging to Elroval. Hikaru spluttered in agreement, turning a shade of dark blue. Ukitake gave them all a sunny smile, noting the tense atmosphere.
"Well, you lot should get yourselves off to 4th squad. I think most of you are in need of medical attention." As soon as the words left his mouth, the mood immediately lifted. Jai put Hikaru down, and the boy doubled over, gasping as his lungs re-inflated. Magius materialised beside Nat and gave him an approving look. Mint finally stopped gripping Elroval who gave a sigh of relief and checked to see whether his hair was still intact while she apologised profusely. Sai fondly ruffled Di's hair with a grin.
"Nice going imouto-chan." Raiden looked confused.
"How come she missed me out?" Di shrugged as her shoulder began to smoke where Sai had placed her arm.
"I dunno. Maybe because you're a Shihouin now?" Soifon smirked.
"No. Because he doesn't have bankai." Raiden gave a snarl of annoyance as Narukami looked downcast. Mint turned to smile at Ukitake and gasped.
"Oh my god! Di! Your shoulder's on fire!" Di raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Huh?" Raiden's amber eyes widened.
"Shit! Drop and roll!" Sai quickly removed her hand, trying to look innocent as Di glanced at her shoulder.
"Well...whaddya is. It doesn't hurt though." she said thoughtfully as Nat and Jai goggled at her. Kyouraku tipped the brim of his hat up.
"Yare yare, you are very unusual, Di-chan." Di turned to look at Sai who was sidling behind Narukami.
"Oi, baka Sai. Sort this out will you?" Mint looked up fondly at Elroval who smiled.
"I'm sorry I rebelled against you Mint. There was this voice, you see, and-!" Mint nodded earnestly.
"Don't worry about it Elroval, I know. I also knew you would come back to me. We have a bond...a special bond..." she trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she realised what she'd said.
Oh dear. I hope Jyuushirou-san isn't taking this personally! She caught him looking in her direction and suppressed a smile as Nat once again asked about the phoenix.
"So what was that about? Where'd the phoenix come from, and where did it go?" Di thought hard as Kyouraku, Ukitake and Soifon sidled round to listen.
"Well...the phoenix happened to be passing through so Sai thought it would be a good idea to control it." Di replied with a straight face. Sai laughed into Narukami's shoulder while Raiden looked outraged.
"What?! There was no bloody phoenix passin' through! Did ya hit your head, baby?!" Di rolled her eyes.
"Once again, you missed the sarcasm, baka Rice. OK, the deal with the phoenix is that it's part of this ultimate move I have, called Kou Joushou. Basically when the temperature gets over 20000 degrees, Sai turns into Soukyoku." Di replied simply. Raiden shook his head.
"What're ya talking about? Sai was right in front of ya!" Jai and Nat nodded emphatically.
"Sai split herself in two...well...her consciousness anyway, to make Kou Joushou this time. That's why I was able to defeat her. I still don't get why you didn't just turn yourself into a phoenix and be done with it." Tsubasa no Kasaimegami put her hands on her hips.
"Because the phoenix needs direction and a target- both of which it's master gives it. Without direction, the phoenix will cause random destruction." Di gulped.
"Yikes." Nat suddenly looked less keen on the idea of a pet phoenix as he realised it would be Sai.
" can do this 'ultimate move' right? Hahaha! That means executions'll be back!" An evil grin lit up his face. Jai turned green at the thought. Tsubasa no Kasaimegami put a stop to the theory by shaking her head violently.
"Oh no. Di can't do it yet. She hasn't even reached 20000 degrees yet! If you try it right'll disintegrate...or worse..." Di pouted in disappointment.
"Damn it. I'm at 10000 degrees hard could it be?!" Mint clapped her on the shoulder, ignoring her wince.
"You're plenty strong already. You don't need that move in a hurry." Di sighed and nodded, turning towards the bridge.
"I guess you're right. I think we should go."

Mint winced as the ointment the 4th squad nurse was putting on her face stung. Raiden was complaining on the opposite bed as his arms were being bandaged. "Tch. Now I smell like a friggin' herbal bouquet. Just great." Di wandered over, arms and legs completely bandaged.
"Whining again, baka Rice? Mint doesn't wanna know. Besides, she got hurt worse than you."
"'N ya look like a mummy." Raiden replied with a grin. "Haha, mummified kitten!" Di shushed him before sitting next to him and smiling at Mint.
"Over at last, eh?" Mint shook her head.
"No. Didn't you hear? Kuchiki-taicho's been branded a traitor. If we see him, we're to capture him on sight." Di raised an eyebrow.
"Byakuya?! Whaaat?! Why?!" Mint crossed her legs and settled herself comfortably on the bed.
"Jyuushirou-san said that he's sided with the zanpakutou spirits." Di looked completely confused.
"Why?" Mint shrugged and thanked the nurse.
"I don't know." she replied, turning back to her. Raiden grinned maniacally.
"Well this is great! I've always wanted to beat up rich boy!"
Di narrowed her eyes at him as Mint said, "Aren't you as rich as him now?" Raiden shrugged and continued grinning.
"It's the principle, Glasses." Mint leaned back on her elbows, happy in the knowledge that Elroval was back in her inner world.
I feel complete now. she thought, as Di stopped Raiden from waking Nat. Everything can only go up from here.                            

It was a quiet evening in the 4th squad tailoring department. Yuuki Fuyu hummed pleasantly to herself as she diligently sewed up a large rip in Wataru's kimono top. She looped the dark thread twice before pulling through and snapping the excess off. She looked down at her handiwork proudly. He'll never notice it was ever ripped. she thought, blushing a little at the thought of his smile.
She suddenly heard the sound of loud voices and looked up from the shirt, the beadwork in her hair chiming at the movement. Who could that be? I'm sure that Unohana-taicho said that the patients in the sick bay were too ill to move around just yet. And it sounds too loud to be Wataru-san... She gasped as the sliding door to the department was slammed open. A tall, blue-haired man accompanied by two women walked into the room. Fuyu blinked, immediately recognising them. Oh. I remember them! That's Raiden-sanseki, Di-fukutaicho and Mint-fukutaicho. She rose timidly to meet them as Raiden strode over to the main counter.
"Hey! Is there anyone here? Hello?" Di folded her arms.
"It's 9 in the evening- of course they're not fully open!" Mint fidgeted behind her.
"Maybe we should come back later..." Fuyu cleared her throat as loudly as she could behind them.
"Umm...excuse me...?" Raiden sighed hard and reached for the bell on the desk. Di grabbed his arm and shook her head.
"Don't you baka, it's too late! Mint's right we should come back tomorrow!" Raiden scowled.
"I want my jacket fixed NOW! Look at it!" He gestured at its ragged appearance. Di sniffed as Mint looked sadly at her destroyed hakama bottoms.
"I don't think there'll be any help for these." she said sadly. Fuyu tried again, clasping her hands tightly together.
"Umm...I could-!" She was drowned out as Di snapped,
"Well I'm sorry Rice but not everything in this world dances to your tune." Raiden grinned at her, hand raised over the bell.
"One day it will." Di narrowed her eyes as Mint snorted with laughter at the absurdity of what he'd said. Fuyu finally made up her mind as they fell silent again.
"I can help!" she finally blurted out. Raiden paused for a moment, a confused expression on his face. "Was that ya? I had no idea your voice could go like that- thanks for the offer, kitten." Di raised an eyebrow.
"What're you talking about, baka? It wasn't me!" Mint turned around, realising that the voice had come from behind her. She gasped as she saw the petite blonde girl standing behind her.
"Oh! Fuyu-san! It's good to see you again!" Di and Raiden whirled around. Raiden burst out laughing as Di tried in vain to place where she'd seen Fuyu before.
"Hahaha!!! Another person who's smaller than ya, kitten!" Di ignored him completely. Fuyu gave them a sweetly nervous smile.
"Umm...what needs to be fixed? I can sew them tonight and give them back to you in the morning." Raiden immediately shrugged off his destroyed jacket and nearly threw it to her.
"Here." Di glared at him.
"Quit being so rude, baka Rice!" The sliding door opened again as the silver haired form of Isaya Wataru entered. Raiden immediately smirked.
"What're ya doin' here Emo? I heard ya got beaten up again by your zanpakutou spirit." Fuyu looked completely confused.
"Emo? What does that mean, Wataru-san?" Wataru shook his head, giving her a warm smile.
"Ignore him, Fuyu. He's just trying to get a rise out of me." Fuyu beamed back at him sunnily.
"I sewed your top, Wataru-san! Look!" She held it up proudly. Wataru took it from her and pretended to examine it. Di and Mint saw Fuyu look slightly anxious before relaxing as Wataru smiled.
"As always I can barely tell where it's been torn. Thank you, Fuyu-chan." Fuyu blushed, fidgeting with her green sash.
"It was nothing..." Raiden snorted with laughter as Fuyu took the clothes back to her work station. He sidled over to Wataru before Di could stop him.
"Hey, Emo, I think that girl has the hots for ya." Raiden hissed. Di face-palmed as Mint sighed in annoyance.
"Oh stop it you maniac!" Wataru gave Raiden a sunny smile.
"I'm glad you think so, Raiden-san. She happens to be my girlfriend." With that, he made his way over to the candlelit table where Fuyu was already diligently measuring out lengths of dark fabric while Mint, Di and Raiden stood by the door, gobsmacked.
Sorry this took so long...i tend to only upload chapters once i have the one after it - -...i still dont have chapter 14 with me. but cuz Kismet and I were really busy over the past month. I think there's gonna be a break after this one so the anime gets ahead far enough.

A little introduction of Fuyu and Wataru XD

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Bleach (c) Tite Kubou
Mint : Shinigami (c) Me
Image (c) :iconmichron:
Writing (c) Kismet
© 2009 - 2024 talespirit
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Ascherune's avatar
Why is Di so freaking awesome?! :la:

WATARU-SAMA?!?! TAKEN!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh, it can't be truuuuuuuuuuue! TAT

*Sigh* Guess I'll just have to admire from afar now. :iconblushingplz: